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Multimedia concertos

by Gregory Kim

Multimediaconcerto No. 25
for Chamber Orchestra and Multimedia  "To the Andromeda"
(2016 Premire) 10’

Clarinet Minji Kim, Violin I Hyeryung Kim, Violin  II Youwha Kim, Viola Songji Lee, Cello Jumi Lee, 
Contra Bass Hyoseon Lee, Piano Charin Kim, Percussion Youngmin Choi, Conductor Jinha Park, Computer Yuri Seo, Hayoung Kim

Perfomed by Multimedia Art Ensemble ARS

                                                                                                        The concerts were supported by Daegu Cultural Foundation
Arts Council Korea

Multimedia Concerto No. 24 "To the Andromeda I" (2016)

for Cello, Computer and Realtime Video

"To the Andromeda I"
Subtitle “musicolourcave”


20 September 2016
Daegu Art Factory
Daegu, Korea


The Idea and World (2015)

"생각과 세상"

The Idea and world composed by Yong Gyu Gregory Kim

2nd Performance

at Lobby Concert 2015
YongGyu Kim's Integration Multimedia art Music Concert
Performed by Multimedia Art Company ARS

3pm 31 October
Lobby(1st floor)
Daegu Artfactory

Daegu, South KOREA

Aria on G for Violin and Multimedia (2015, Premier)

"바이올린과 멀티미디어를 위한 아리아"


Computer: Gregory Kim

Violin: Gabin Cecilia Kim

Chamber Hall, Daegu Citizen Hall


24 June 2015

Chamber Hall, Daegu Citizen Hall

DCMF OPMF, Daegu International Contemporary Music Festival 

Opening Media Festival, 2015

Multimediaconcerto No. 10 for Violin and Computer "DHMG" (2014)


I. Delay II. Sound Explorer III. Envelop Follower IV. Mixing


DCMF 2014/대구현대음악제 2014

2014. 6. 25

Chamber Hall, 

Daegu Citizen's Hall, Korea

Violin: Woonyoung Kang/강운영(서울 모던앙상블)

Computer: Gregory Kim/김용규

Multimediaconcerto No. 11 for Violin, Computer and Realtime Video "GK’s Theremin" (15') (2013)

바이올린, 컴퓨터, 실시간 영상을 위한 다매체협주곡 제 11번 "테레민"


Music at an Exhibition 2013

연주: 5 Dec 2013

바이올린: Agneiszka Maruka, Violin

컴퓨터: 김용규/Gregory Kim, Computer

Multimediaconcerto No. 10 for Violin and Computer "DHMG" (2013)


I. Delay II. Sound Explorer III. Envelop Follower IV. Mixing


Violin: Hyeryung Kim/김혜령
Computer: Gregory Kim/김용규

Da-ism 2013 
2013. 10. 9
Daeduk Culture Hall(대구 대덕문화홀)

Multimediaconcerto No. 11 for Violin, Computer and Realtime Video "GK’s Theremin" (15') (2007, Premier)

바이올린, 컴퓨터, 실시간 영상을 위한 다매체협주곡 제 11번 "테레민" 


Daegu International New Media Art Festival 2007

Violin: 김지혜(Jihye Kim)
Computer: 김용규(Gregory Kim)

Multimediaconcerto No. 11 for Violin, Computer and Realtime Video "GK’s Theremin" (15') (2014)

바이올린, 컴퓨터, 실시간 영상을 위한 다매체협주곡 제 11번 "테레민"


Computer: Gregory Kim(김용규)
Violin: Gabin Kim(김가빈)

7 pm, 30 June, 2014

DMMS, Daegu Music and Media Society 2014
Haedam Hall, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea

Educational Play for a Young Soprano, Piano and Multimedia based on Korean Traditional Melody "Saeya Saeya" for ISME 2008 (2008, Premier)

어린이소프라노, 피아노를 위한 교육적놀이 "새야 새야"


11 June 2008

Yongji Hall, Suseong Artpia

Gregory Kim's Multimedia Art Music Concert 2008, DAEGU, Korea

김용규 다매체 종합예술음악 연주회 2008


Multimediaconcerto No. 20 for Cello, ARS Ensemble, Computer and Realtime Video "Sangju Arirang(16') 1/2 (2010, Premier)

첼로, 아르스앙상블, 컴퓨터, 실시간영상을 위한 다매체 협주곡 제 20번 "상주아리랑" 


Hyojin Lee, Cello
Seonghee Kim, Tenor 
Baekhyeon Jeong, Computer
Conductor: Gregory Kim


Multimedia Ensemble ARS's "Newmedia Art into the Public 2010"

21 October 2010

Gaon Hall, Bongsan Culture Center

Multimediaconcerto No. 20 for Cello, ARS Ensemble, Computer and Realtime Video "Sangju Arirang(16') 2/2

첼로, 아르스앙상블, 컴퓨터, 실시간영상을 위한 다매체 협주곡 제 20번 "상주아리랑" (2010) 


Multimediaconcerto No. 24 for Piano, Janggos, Dance, Sangmo, Computers and Realtime Video "Samdo Seoljango" (11')  (2010, Premier) 1/2

피아노, 타악, 상모, 컴퓨터, 실시간영상을 위한 입체 다매체협주곡 제24번 "삼도 설장고"(11')


Piano: Charin Kim, Taepyeongso: Jaeseong Lim, Sangmo: Jihyeon Shin
Janggos: Seonghyo Chu, Yeojin Ahn, Jihun Chang, Guhyeon Choi
Computer: Gregory Kim, Baeckhyun Jeong, Seongtaec Hong

Perfromed at "Newmedia Art into the Public" -ARS, Multimedia Art Company Tour Concert 2010, DAEGU, Korea
11 JUNE 2010


Multimediaconcerto No. 24 for Piano, Janggos, Dance, Sangmo, Computers and Realtime Video "Samdo Seoljango" (11') (2010) 2/2

Multimedia Mass "Kyrie" for Dance, Voice, Violin, Ajaeng, Computer and Realtime Video (13') (2008, Premier)

무용, 소리, 바이올린, 아쟁, 컴퓨터, 실시간영상을 위한 "키리에"


11 June 2008

Yongji Hall, Suseong Artpia

Gregory Kim Multimedia Art Music Concert 2008

김용규 다매체 종합예술음악 연주회 2008


YongGyu Gregory Kim Multimediaconcerto No.26 for Orchestra and Computer "To the ANDROMEDA"

김용규 통합미디어 협주곡 제26번 "안드로메다를 향하여"

New Sound of Daegu 2017

7: 30pm 7 September 2017 Grand Hall Daegu Concert House DAEGU, South Korea


Performed by Daegu Symphony Orchestra Chungki Min, Conductor Gabin Cecilia Kim, Computer (Orchestra, World Premier)

© Gregory Kim 2014. All rights reserved

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